MAY 25, 2025


10am – Mill Lake Park, Abbotsford

The 5K course can be run competitively or for the sheer fun of participating in this great community event. The trails of Mill Lake Park are a significant feature of the family-friendly course.

10k RUN

9am – Mill Lake Park, Abbotsford

From Mill Lake Park to South Fraser Way and back again, run on the road and on paths through beautiful Mill Lake Park in central Abbotsford on a course geared for fast times and varied scenes.



5K Fun Run Youth (12 & under) $40

5K Fun Run $55

10K Run $65

Registration closes Wednesday, May 21, 2025 at 11:59pm.


Race Fees are non-refundable & non-transferable and are subject to GST and processing fees.

Race Fees cover the following:
Note: All funds left over from your race fees go toward clean water projects)

  • Entry to the selected race events

  • Official race shirts for all participants (as long as participants register before shirt order cut-off date of May 1, 2025)

  • Official medal for successfully completing the course

  • Post-race snacks and beverages

  • Post-race awards ceremony

Package Pick Up will be Saturday, May 24 from 10 am - 3 pm (location TBD) or during Party at the Park, from 5:30 pm - 9:00 pm!




Run for Water takes place at Mill Lake Park in Abbotsford. The start and finish lines for all race distances is on Bevan Ave.
(33015 Bevan Ave, Abbotsford).

Package Pick Up will be Saturday, May 24, times and location to be announced.

10k route coming soon!


8:45 AM - 10K Warm Up

9:00 AM - 10K Start

9:45 AM - 5K Warm Up

10:00 AM - 5K Start


  • Course markers are at every kilometre along the race courses.

  • All aid stations provide water 

  • Medical assistance and portable toilets are positioned along course and at the finish line.

  • Please refer to course maps for further details.

  • All participants registering before May 1st will receive race shirts, unless you indicate otherwise during your registration.

    All registrations after that date will likely get a shirt until supplies last.

    Race shirts and bibs have to be picked up at the package pick up on Saturday, May 24th at Mill Lake Park. See Expo information for more details.

  • All events will be timed using the BibTag timing system. It records the time at which you cross the mat at the start line and when you cross the mat at the finish line, then calculates your net time. The BibTag combines the chip into the bib start number. Participants only have to attach the bib to their chest and you are ready to run!

  • Complete race day results will be posted on the Run for Water website on race day at or available on the Sportstats website (

  • Awards for overall winners will be given out at the Race Program Awards Ceremony.

  • Bag check is available at the start/finish area. Please label all items and allow extra time to check bags prior to race start.

  • Limited parking is available at MSA Arena, Mill Lake Ball Diamond, Abbotsford Middle School, Abbotsford Senior School, Sevenoaks Mall, and side streets in the area. Please car pool and allow for extra time for walking to the race start.


  • Your race fee includes all items associated with the race: shirts, chips/bibs, food, etc.

  • You should receive an email confirmation after you have registered. You can look up your name on the registration platform.

    You can email us at if you need help.

  • You can walk the 5K and 10K courses. As a walker, watch for runners coming up behind you. Please do not walk abreast and keep to the far right of the road. This will ensure that both walkers and runners can obtain their desired finish times.

  • Yes. If you’re picking up somebody’s race package, you need their bib number and will be asked to sign a waiver.

  • No, there is no race day registration.

  • Timing is done by Sportstats who will be recording the time at which you cross the mat at the Start line and when you cross the mat at the Finish line, then calculate your net time. There is no other timing system, therefore if an accurate running time is important to you, it is imperative that you have a chip.

  • Yes, markers appear at every kilometer.

  • Pin your race number to the front of your shirt. This helps us identify you at all times. Ensure you arrive at the correct start line for the race you have entered. The colour of your race number identifies which race you are entered in.

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